Let's Get Started!
You're going to love clearing out your clutter and passing along great quality items to local families.
We're here to show you how.
Download your Seller Guide to get started on these steps: Gather, Sort, Price, Prep and Drop Off
What do you make?
Our consignors averaged $420 on their checks last sale!
Sellers who tag their own items make:
60% of their sales
or 70% of their sales if they help at least one shift at the sale!
There is a consignor registration fee paid at the time of registration.
(You will get a link in your registration confirmation email to pay.)
The earlier you register, the more you save!
Early Registration through February 13: $10 (plus processing fee)
Standard Registration through April 13: $15 (plus processing fee)
Late Registration through April 23: $20 (plus processing fee)
*Valet consignor registration is LIMITED - Register Early!
Valet consignors (someone else tags for you!) make:
45% of their sales less a $40 consignor fee
or 50% of their sales, less a $40 consignor fee, if they help at least one shift at the sale!
(additional $5 consignor fee assessed for each 100 items over 300 items, ex: 301-400 items is assessed a consignor fee of $45)
Mark Your Calendar!

Guides and Groups

This guide will help you know what to sell (and what not to sell) at this upcoming sale.

Download our Safety Guide for required waivers and the latest recall & safety information.

Join our Facebook Group to ask questions and get tips from other sellers just like you!
Sale Time Info
Now, when it comes time for the sale, here are all the details that you need to know!
Selling Step-by-Step:
Ready to start selling? Follow these steps! Need more help? Join our Facebook CONSIGNOR group where you can find lots of helpful tips, tricks and a whole community of other savvy sellers online.

1. Register to sell at the upcoming sale
2. Schedule your Drop Off Appointment
(and pay your consignor fee)
3. Prepare & tag your items
4. Complete your seller waiver (part of the drop off sign up)
5. Receive your Presale ticket at drop off
6. Drop Off, Shop the Presale & Watch your Seller check grow!
Preparing your items
Watch the following videos to see how to prepare all of your items.